Wednesday, October 25, 2017

High School Got a Visitor from PAFA!

The first weekend in October is always MCAD's Portfolio review day, where they bring in colleges from all over the country to look at student portfolios and give feedback.

Not many students are able to give up their Sunday to go to this event, however A representative from The Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts reached out to us for a visit.

She came to the school, and spoke to my Digital Photography class about the school. It was cool to hear a little bit about the history of the school and to see their beautiful grounds.

For the second hour she did a portfolio review with my AP Digital Art students. It was very helpful for the students to hear advice from someone other than me. It was nice for them to get a second opinion. One student even changed her focus, because she saw a stronger pattern in her artwork than her original concentration topic.

Here is a link to the school Website.

I was so thankful for visit, and advice. I really appreciated PAFA for making her visit possible.

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