Monday, October 23, 2017

Holy Bubbles Batman! Learning Glow and Transparency in Digital Painting.


So we have been busy learning all sorts of tricks in Digital Drawing a Painting. The First few weeks I was trying to see how well Traditional art skills translated to Digital art skills. The transition was... eh... Students needs a little more direct instruction for digital drawing.

So we went through a series of days, where each day we learned a new technique, and we created a small easy work of art to test the technique out with.

This day was Bubbles, the skills we learned were transparency, and glow. This lesson is all about technique and skill building, so the projects are just fun short 45 min long lessons that carry no deeper meaning other than ooo pretty. However this lesson also really build confidence in skills they can apply to other lessons in the future.

I found this great illustrated step by step lesson on how to draw bubbles, so if you wanna try it yourself... here it is.


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