Monday, October 16, 2017

8th grade Black and White Photography

Black and white photography a Staple in the art photography. This timeless style has really made a strong comeback with its use in Instagram and other phone editing sites. This was an assignemnt I did with 8th grade to introduce them to the basics of Black and white photography.

This Video is great for teaching kids how to find a great black and white image.
My personal suggestion
- Find contrast- Look for the dark against the light in contrast to one another
- Find texture- that is all
- Don't think that a boring picture will become more interesting in black and white.
- Don't worry about color, think in shades.

This is a great Video is great for teaching a little about the right and wrong ways of editing black and white images. Many people think, "How can there be a wrong way to turn a photo black and white?" Well This video will let you know. 
My favorite part is talking about how if you just take out the saturation you are giving yourself a very flat image with little to no value throughout your image.

So here are a few examples of student work. They had to turn in 10 images, that had all been edited softly(Which means no crazy filters and no collage style editing)

This was more work then they usually have, but I decided they might need more to keep them busy. This was also to teach them to start taking more than just  a few pictures. It forces them to stay organized and to look at an area in a new way.

Side note: All these picture were taken at the school grounds, they have to get pretty creative on how they see their school, to make it interesting.

I hope you enjoy. If you want to stay up to date, don't forget to the "Follow" the blog.

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