Monday, February 5, 2024

Long exposure

 I love this lesson. But every year I have a very different response to it. Some really love it, but the work they do falls short, some hate it and their work struggles, and some just click with it. And this year was a click year. The kids nailed the assignment they challenged themselves took risks and made some amazing projects. 

Thing I that have worked: 

- good prompts 

- using the pixel stick to illustrate how long exposure works

- Encouraging cameras to go home

- I love this video made by a YouTube a few years ago, it's short and to the point and shows a variety of photos that actually seem possible for the students A lot of long exposure feels impossible, and that makes them shut down. 

Things that don't work:

- too much instructions(they get bored and feel like they need to be too specific)

- forgetting to have examples of camera settings written out and posted, so if they do not know what to do they can just look it up)

So enjoy the examples of student work!

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