Thursday, May 28, 2020

Pen and Ink in virtual Classroom

Since we have all had to go online, I have decided to really start documenting what I have been doing in my classroom. I hear a lot of teachers calling for help, and I want to help especially since they have always helped and are continuing to help me. So in every step of my lessons, I am making them public and sharable for anyone who needs them. Hopefully, this will be helpful and not just make me look like a self-important doofus.

Starting with my pen and ink lesson.

End goal: All students will have a portfolio ready Observational Pen and ink drawing, demonstrating their understanding of composition and value.

White nonlined paper
black pen

First, we had a video where I walked them through a short history of Pen and Ink and artists that use it. Their activity after class was done was to explore the artist in the presentations website.

Second I had them practice value scales with ink to get a feel for the medium.
They had to turn in two separate pages. One with the sphere drawing and one with a gradient scale.

They had a few days to work on that.

Meanwhile, I had them take pictures of what they planned on drawing, I could guide them into making a better decision or encourage them in their choice.

Next, they had to pick their objects or subject and sketch and ink it, which I demonstrate in two videos. One which is very fast, and another that is a little more in-depth step by step lesson. 

Students had about a week to do this part of the assignment. I know that in person it would not have taken them this long, but this was the first project we did virtually so I gave them some extra time. 

After they turn in their work and asked them to load their pictures onto a Padlet(If you have never used a Padlet before to communicate, you really should it is pretty great Students were then asked to comment on 2 other works of art. 

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