Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Digital Drawing: Landscapes

So last year I did this lesson and things I learned from that lesson: (link)

1. Don't use this lesson to teach grey scaling. (We will still learn Greyscaling but in a different setting.)
2. Get kids to make more original content
3. Get students to create content that has meaning that they can communicate about in a written statement or in a critique.

For this lesson I wanted my students to add the 3 main elements of Landscape (foreground middle ground and background). I wanted them to use Value and texture, and I wanted them to think of the landscape as a small piece of a larger story, encouraging them to find meaning in their art, and help them communicate a little visual storytelling.

- Our unit started with a pre-assessment, where they all tried to draw different landscape pieces to the best of their abilities. This way, I could see what they needed the most help with.

- Then we did a few of those elements as a group, where I showed them the basic landscape elements and how to draw them more easily in the picture.

- After that, we worked on self-education. How do you find something on your own, especially when you are making something very specific?

- Last we had a final assignment. Where they had to create an original landscape on their own. 

These students did a great Job on this lesson, then worked really hard and even though this is only the second thing they have ever drawn using the Digital sketchpads, they really nailed it out of the park.

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