Sunday, November 5, 2017

Grey scaling, Gray Toning, and Value and the three main traits of this project. And even though Value is Probably the more Logical Label, the terms grey scaling and grey toning are the new ways of doing an old trick.

When I was in College I took an oil painting class where we were required to turn a picture into black and white and then in a new layer of paint, add color. This is a technique that has been used since the days of Caravaggio, and it is now being repurposed for the digital medium. 

Image by Caravaggio.

Students are learning how to create a layer of drawing that it is done completely in Grey tones, after that layer is created, we using blending layers and opacity to create the color son top of it. 

Here is a great video on how to do the color layer for a portrait. 

However, we do landscapes in this Technique, so here is great video about the first steps of creating to grey layer, before the color is added. 

I have to say I was super impressed with the students final products. Remember these students are in 9th-12th grade and many of them have never used digital painting techniques before, and even fewer of them have use digital sketchpads before. 

I hope you enjoy some of their examples. 

If you like these ideas don't forget to follow the blog so you can see the stuffs as they get published!

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