Wednesday, January 9, 2019

The current work of my AP

So advanced placement class has been working hard on their portfolios. Digital art is pretty nice because the student can take on a lot more pictures and then choose through the best to turn in. However, the stakes are higher so anxiety sometimes getting in way of creativity.

Recently The Art of ed put out an article about creativity and harnessing your creativity, and I was to share a few of the reflection question and charts they had.

Here is a chart of the creative time slots of famous creatives. I thought this was interesting information for the students to see. It is fun to see if their own work habits at all align with other artists. 

With this information in mind, I sent the students off to work on their portfolios, and here are some of the results I have gotten so far.

Black and white assignment

This student's concentration is about color mapping and color as a creative focus, this was a project she did making the colors in the photo more obvious.

Digital art in portraiture

The possibilities of a single model study.

This student is focusing on minimalism and light control.

Another from our black and white assignment

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