Monday, March 5, 2018

Silent Films in high school

My second semester film class is technically Filmmaking II, however students do not need to take it in any particular order. So I will have student entering my class who have never even touched a film camera before. 

The way I get around this, is to treat first semester as a technical class, where second semester is more about conceptualism. That was student get a new experience while also starting from an easy to catch up place. 

The first lesson we cover is Silent Films, and the history of filmmaking. 

First we watch these two episodes from Crash Course. If you want to use the whole series that is great as well, I just like to stream line the lesson so the students are not just coming into class and watching a bunch of youtube videos. I do however assign them as home work at times if I feel like students are still not understanding the concepts. 

Then I  give a presentation on silent film. I just happen to have film that presentation so you can see it for your self. 

Here is the link to the , this site is great for brain storming. However it is "freemium", so to do anything super cool you need to pay. We just screen shot our mind maps in order to share them with the class. 
(Screen shot on MAC  is Command, shift, 4. 
Screen shot on WINDOWS 10- use the  "Snipping tool" which can be found in you search icon at the bottom of your screen)

Your video must be...
-in black and white 
-double speed 
-no speaking 
- credits and title card
- a short story 

Here are some of our hilarious student examples. I hope you enjoy!

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