Friday, March 9, 2018

Integrating illustration in 8th grade

My new favorite trend is illustration integration. 

Design is seeing an increase in the demand for genuine illustration and hand drawn elements in their photography. We live in a world of filters, and quick fixes for photos, so seeing real hand drawn elements in design and photography is refreshing and interesting. I have seen a lot of designers doing things with is trend. And I think its important students give it a try as well. 

Examples of professional designs

The assignment:
3 images total 
1- must be an intense edit
1- can be light drawing over the  photo
1- image can be taken off the internet

However if they wanted to do all original photos, with intense editing I would allow that as well. 

Example of a full edit. Student color in shirt, and added a detail. 

Example of a lighter edit: the shirt was just out lined, and instead of coloring in she just brought back the original color in photo. 

The Process in pretty easy. 

Step 1: Place image in photoshop 
Step 2: Edit you photo, so any issues with it are fixed. 
Step 3: Add a new layer
Step 4: Draw your lines around an element of clothing on your new layer
**You can potentially be done at this point. 
Step 5: Add a new layer and drag it under your line layer
Step 6: Color in the item of clothing. 

I hope you enjoy all the student work!

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