Monday, February 12, 2018

Filling Time, and Engaging Creativity in Digital Drawing and Painting

One problem that project based lessons alway have, are early finishers. These may be students who chose and easier concept, or just students who are rock stars and did everything at light speed.

How do you fill the time for your speed racers?

Well in Digital Drawing and Painting. I had that problem during the first quarter. So I decided to open up a Personal project. After student were done they had all semester to work on an on going art piece of their choosing. A lot of students took on a more intense project and spent all semester perfecting their work until the end when it was due. Other took a different approach, they would use this to try new things of test out techniques. I was so impressed with the variety of work I got from this project.

The Assignment: (Given at the beginning of the quarter)
- Create a digital work of art of anything you are interested in.
- Focus on a style of subject you have been curious about, that you don't think we will cover or not cover enough.
- Budget your time throughout the quarter to finish it by the end.
- If students are using all available time on their other assignments they are exempt from this project.
- At the end, have critique where students talk about their journey through this assignment.

I hope you enjoy some of the results of the personal project examples

This student wanted try out a style he has seen another illustrator do.

This student decided to try a design technique. 
This student wanted to explore the inking capabilities.

This student Decided to try drawing on the iPads to see what digital abilities they could do.

Space Obama

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