Sunday, January 7, 2018

Double Exposure with High School

Ironically this super trendy photo editing style used to be an accident. It happened back in the film camera days, when a person would take out the roll of film and reload it in the camera, mistaking it for a new roll... Hence the term "double exposed"... the film was exposed twice.... Get it! Example

Ok so I got a little carried away. Now days this technique is done in PhotoShop. If a picture is worth a thousand words than two pictures is worth... You get the point. You want to not just shove two images together, you can share such a powerful message with the juxtaposition of two images, but it is also one of the hardest concepts to teach.

So how to teach this. Well my approach, have the student pick their images. Then sit down a write the things that relate to that person, or images that would make them have that expression. Think about cause and effect. What is the reason for your photo?

The technique is pretty simple I am going to add a few videos that show how to do it... Because its easier than writing it out...

- Pictures of people with blank backgrounds work better
- turning images black and white help matching other images.
- turn the background a light color, don't leave it blank.
- Add a lens flare to add a little extra somethin somethin

So I how this was helpful. Here are a few examples.


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