Friday, December 8, 2017

Halloween Portraits

You know when you start something and then you save it, set it aside, and then your brain say, "Yeah you finished that." But then you go back and you realize your brain lied to you and no you had never finished that....

Well that is totally what happened.

So here is a lesson I did around Halloween... Yes... It's been a while.

So because it has been so long I will just outline the lesson and then I will say a few thoughts, but other wise I am not going to go into too much detail.

So the lesson was to create 3 images where you are going to layer images to create a fantasy/ horror/ sci-fi look

They did pretty well. I think I would spend more time talking about craftsmanship and blending, but it is early in the year and so if they don't understand a lot of the finer points I do kind of give them a pass. That being said some student did pull a fast one and then said it was because they didn't understand PhotoShop and that excuse has carried them into a habit of bad work. So there is that element.

Either way, this project might be on its last year, I am still deciding whether or not to scrap it for next year.

Let me know what you think and take a look at some of the examples of the exceptional student work.

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