Monday, September 11, 2017

Digital Drawing and Painting

I decided to offer a new class called "Digital Drawing and Painting". Which is exactly what it sounds like. I do not know of any other school that offers this class, outside of a college classroom. I would love to be proven wrong, because frankly I would give anything for a little advise or feedback from other teachers trying this out on the high school level. 

To start us out, I gave the students a worksheet. This is to see what their skill levels are in the classroom, and it will also help me to see which students can just start drawing at the drop of a hat, and which ones need some time to process all the information and need to research references. 

Many of the students in my class have never used an electronic sketch pad before, nor have they use a digital art program. This worksheet helps them get used to downloading, saving, and working with the tools in the program (Fire Alpaca, I will be doing a whole post with software as the main focus) 

If you want a copy of the file, you are free to drag and drop it from this post. 

Here were a few of my student examples. Let me know what you think in the comments. 

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