Monday, February 27, 2017

Silent films

When students take my film class they can take it for one or both semesters. The challenge with this becomes: how do you teach assignments that will both challenge your 2nd semester students while also teaching the basics to your 1st semester students.

The Assignment I use to get everybody on the same page is Silent film. Like music videos it limits the amount of elements the students have to think about. Allowing them to focus on their visual story telling.

First we talk about the history and the Aesthetic of Silent film. We talk about the few shots and angles they would use, and we talk about how you need to direct your actors in order to create an effective silent film.

I them have the students submit and proposal. Detailing their plot line, their group mates and their respective tasks, as well as the style of silent film they will be making.

This Documentary is great for information about early film, it also highlight how insane the stunt men of silent films were. If you know nothing about silent film, this would be great place to start.

We use a program called HitFilm 4 express. Here is why:
1. The price is right(free) 
2. Due to is "price" students who really love filmmaking can then due it at home with no cost.
3. It is a very intuitive program
4. It is fast. If you have every used iMovie you know how long you have to wait for videos to load. In hitfilm the only waiting you have to do is when you finally export the movie. 
5. It come with a ton of presets and effects

The silent film look.

Notice how the light in the gif flicker and her motions are jerky and quick, well this is all part of the silent film aesthetic. 
To achieve this look, all you have to fist turn your film to black and white, then you change the speed to 150% of its regular speed. That gives it the choppy old film look. 

The assignment: 
Create a silent film that is at least 3 minutes long
choose music that matches the tone of your film
Film must be black and white
Film must have a narrative
Film must have a title card and Credits

The results:

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