Sunday, October 9, 2016

Something and nothing.

This lesson was a straight up steal from my predecessor. But I saw the value in a lesson geared toward seeing through a photographic lens.

The lesson in itself is quite simple. The student must go out to two separate places they frequent these have to be places they have seen so many times that they almost don't even see the space anymore because it is so familiar.

They need to take at least 20 picture in each place, and attempt to see it in a new way. Encourage them to see the space like they have never seen it before. Then they need to take their favorite 5 photos from each space and edit them slightly to make they brighter or clearer, or whatever they need to do to make them look more professional, and turn in 10 photos to me total, on the google classroom. (Which by the way if you have never used the google classroom, I would highly suggest it. Holy moses! it will change your life.) 

This assignment is great because it gets students thinking about how to make the mediocre into the extraordinary. And it is used in photography all the time. Look at all the advertisements out there, Photographers can take a picture of a roll of paper towels and make the view suddenly want to buy those for the messes they will make. 

Here are some great examples of student work. 

I love this one. I think the mix on a platform he in, mixed with the actual space he inhabits is great interpretation of this assignment. 

If you like what you see don't forget to follow the blog, and if you want to know more about something in future leave a comment below. 

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