Monday, November 19, 2018

Dear internet, I'm So Sorry

Every time I teach my students to make a new kind of digital art that could be used to make a new horrible meme I feel a sudden urge to apologize to the world for the beast I have created. in this case I am sorry internet I taught a class of middle and high school students how to make GIF's.

So making a GIF if actually very easy, and Photoshop has been advertising its ease with the promo videos they have released for the new CC update they are releasing for this year.

So like a sheep I applied it to my class...

It was very successful, and all the students had a lot of fun doing it. Instead of making  big project of the GIF I just day lesson. the first day we did a ball bouncing exercise to get them used to the timing. That way they new now to make their character go faster or slower, they also got to see how many frames went into only a few seconds of film. 

A GIF is a little more rewarding than a short video, because it loops so it makes it feel like the animation lasts longer. There is something a little disheartening about working for an hour on something that only lasts a few seconds. But a GIF repeats its self, and the classroom fills with kids giggling at the wacky little animation they made. 

The second day we did a different type of Photoshop animation to make a GIF with a back ground, as well as use it to move objects and not drawings. 

As you can see by these examples, they were pretty great. 

Like I said... Sorry internet I have created a monster.

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