Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Photo Challenge Assignment with any grade

So after a few lessons in Photography, my students started to feel a little listless. Their inspiration for photography had become very low, and I was getting a lot of the same shots. So, I decided we needed a bit of a change.

I created this lesson as a short bridging lesson. This falls just after another photography project(about color theory... those will be coming later) and we take that information, and the critiques that came from the group chat, and we apply it too this challenge.

I did this lesson with all ages from 7th- 12th grade. I gave them a few days and each had to choose a challenge, then they had to go out and try to complete that challenge.

Prompt Ideas:
- Take photos laying on your back
- Take photos upside down
- Take photos laying on your stomach
- Use a prop
- Use tinkle lights
- Use glass bulb
- Take a picture of something falling
- take a pictures of hair
- take a picture of shallow depth of field
- Take a picture but the hands/ feet have to be in the foreground
- Take a picture with a show shutter speed
- Make something ugly look cool
- take a picture with n ugly background
- take a picture where you cannot see the ground in the image
- Take a picture through the screen on a phone
- take a picture down something

** Slight change to the editing side of things, if you want them to purge their crazy edit cravings, have them choose 4 images and have them edit those same images minimally and then have them edit them like crazy. See the results and let them determine which looks better.

Here are a few student examples from the short unit.

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